Better2Know is the world’s largest provider of private sexual health testing services. With a wide range of tests and screens at clinics across the UAE, testing for HIV in Abu Dhabi has never been easier.

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, is a retrovirus that can lead to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) if it is left unmanaged. AIDS is a potentially life-threatening condition where the immune system starts to fail. This can lead to serious infections that the body would ordinarily be able to combat naturally.

Understanding HIV

HIV is often acquired through unprotected sexual relations with somebody who has the infection. It is also possible to catch HIV through the giving and receiving of anal and/or oral sex.

The infection is transferred by bodily fluids including blood, semen, vaginal fluid, breast milk and pre-ejaculate. HIV can be passed on by sharing needles or syringes (often for recreational drug use) with an infected person. Though it is rare, HIV can also be transmitted through transfusions of infected blood.

There are two types of HIV: HIV-1 and HIV-2. Both types reduce the number of CD4 cells that fend off infections and diseases in the body. HIV also increases your risk of contracting other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

HIV Testing with Better2Know

Using a simple blood sample, Better2Know has two ways of testing for HIV in Abu Dhabi. Our primary, or 4th Generation test, looks for antibodies to both virus types as well as the P24 antigen. For this test, you are advised to wait 28 days after an incident of concern. This allows for an accuracy rate of over 99%.

If you would like to be tested sooner than that, Better2Know can test you for HIV as part of our Early Detection Screen. This is appropriate just 10 days after potential exposure to the virus and tests for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, too. Our comprehensive Early Platinum Screen also tests for HIV at just 10 days, along with nine other STIs.

If present, these screens will detect the virus itself, though due to the serious nature of HIV, if you receive a negative result, good medical advice suggests retesting for infection within 60-90 days.

Legislation in Abu Dhabi

With a vibrant expatriate community, Abu Dhabi is a truly international city. But when it comes to sexual health, and particularly HIV, the local legislation can be complicated.

Our HIV tests are performed in line with national guidelines. Under UAE regulations, you may be required to provide identification at your appointment. Remember, if you are visiting or living in Abu Dhabi, it is always Better2Know the relevant laws.

Arrange your appointment today

You can arrange your HIV test individually, or as part of a screen that also tests for other STIs. Our Marina Village and Fatima Bint Mubarak St clinics are open six days a week for pre-booked appointments. Find out more here.

You can arrange your appointment online or by calling us today on the number above. For more information, visit our website.

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0207 099 0955

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