Better2Know can help you get treatment for Genital Warts. Our private clinics provide confidential Genital Wart treatment. This is usually by Cryotherapy or "freezing" the wart. Our service is available in selected locations across the Middle East. Better2Know's experienced sexual health advisors can arrange your Genital Wart treatment around your schedule. With same or next day appointments available, six days a week, you can organise your confidential Genital Wart treatment for a time and date that suits you. 

Cryotherapy for Genital Warts

Once you arrive at Better2Know’s private clinic in the Middle East, you will be seen by a doctor who will examine your warts and answer any additional questions you may have. They will then explain the Cryotherapy process. Cryotherapy involves freezing the warts to destroy the diseased tissue. Everyone is different. Most people find that one treatment is enough, others may require repeat treatments to maintain results.

Following the procedure, you are advised to take care of any areas where the skin has been frozen to prevent infection. 

What are Genital Warts?

Genital Warts are caused by the HPV virus. The HPV virus is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. Penetrative sex is not the only way to contract the infection. Skin-to-skin contact as well as transmission from unprotected sex, including vaginal, anal or oral sex, can result in Genital Wart transmission.

Genital Warts tends to form in one or more painless growths, bumps or other skin changes. These can occur in or around your genital and anal areas and the warts can resemble small cauliflowers or raspberries, varying in size. Other symptoms can include:

  • Itching from your genitals or anus
  • Bleeding from your genitals or anus
  • A change to the normal flow of urine that does not go away

In some circumstances, people will only experience one episode of Genital Warts. For others, there may be recurrent outbreaks, although some people’s system can sometimes clear the virus on its own over time.

If you are worried about any blemishes you are exhibiting, you should get tested as soon as possible. Better2Know can help you arrange your confidential STI test at one of our private clinics in the Middle East at your earliest convenience.

Genitals Warts are not curable, but treatment is available at our clinics to help the warts to clear up at each outbreak. This helps to prevent them being passed on.

Better2Know is the largest private provider of STI testing services in the Middle East. As well as Genital Wart treatment, our selection of sexual health tests and screens are designed with your STI related concerns in mind. This includes testing for HPV/Genital Warts. As well as Genital Wart treatment, Better2Know also provides a vaccine for HPV types that commonly cause Genital Warts.

Arrange Your Genital Warts Treatment Now

Organise your confidential appointment at one of Better2Know’s private clinics in the Middle East today. All you need to do is phone our dedicated sexual health advisors on the number above. You can also use Better2Know’s online booking system to arrange your Genital Warts removal now. Simply select the orange Book Now button at the top of the page.