What is an oral sexually transmitted infection?

When most people think of STIs, they tend to think of infections that affect the genitals. While this is true – many STIs will cause symptoms that affect the genital area – it’s not true in all cases.

The thing about infections is they’re often indiscriminate. They don’t mind where or how they get into your body, so long as they can survive once there. And several STIs are perfectly happy hunkering down in your mouth.

In this blog, we’ll cover what STIs are, how they can infect the mouth, what symptoms you may experience during an oral STI infection, and how you can get tested and treated.

Let’s go!

5 STIs that older people may overlook, but shouldn’t

When you think about who tends to get STIs, you probably think of young people living foot-loose and fancy-free, dating widely and experiencing a wide range of sexual partners.

However, older adults are also at risk, and they might be more vulnerable than you’d expect. The rise in STD rates among older adults can be attributed to increased dating in later mid-life and old age, longer life expectancies, and less concern about pregnancy.

In this article, we’ll uncover several sneaky STDs that often go unnoticed by older adults and explain why recognising the symptoms and seeking treatment is essential.

I got Bacterial Vaginosis after I had sex. Is it an STI?

At Better2Know, we often receive questions from our patients about various health concerns. One recent query stood out: “Does Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) count as a sexually transmitted infection (STI)?” This question arose after a reader experienced BV following sexual intercourse.

Understanding BV and its causes is crucial for any sexually active woman. While BV is not classified as an STI, it can be influenced by sexual activity.

Keep reading to find out more!

This little-known STI can make you more susceptible to HPV

Getting some illnesses can make you more susceptible to getting others.

Diabetes can lead to heart disease. Getting the flu makes you more likely to get pneumonia. High blood pressure is tied to kidney disease.

This is also true in the world of STIs. For example, it’s well-known that having HIV can increase the likelihood of getting other STIs.

But it turns out HIV isn’t the only bad host letting in other nasty infections into your home.

Trichomonas may be the reason why some people have HPV

What is the p24 antigen?

In the world of HIV, the discovery of the p24 antigen has been a game-changer for effective HIV infection detection.

This one antigen has helped many people get the testing and treatment they need to live long and healthy lives.

But what is the p24 antigen, and how has it changed the testing process?

Let’s get into it.

Could a “morning-after” pill protect you from STIs?

Medical professionals working to limit the spread of STIs like Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, and Syphilis may have a new tool on hand to help stop the spread of infection.

The new medicine is called DoxyPEP, an antibiotic pill that acts as a post-exposure prophylactic that could limit the likelihood of developing an STI after a potential exposure.

How does antigen testing work?

Sexual health testing can be a bit complicated. The average person who gets tested for a sexually transmitted infection may not know all the ins and outs of the different kinds of tests available.

At Better2Know, we want to make sure people can make informed decisions about their sexual health.

In this blog, we’ll cover antigen testing, how it works, and when it’s appropriate to get.

Let’s get started.

How long does a yeast infection last?

Yeast infections, also known as vulvovaginal candidiasis or vaginal candidiasis, disrupt the delicate balance of your intimate flora. These common fungal overgrowths can cause itching, irritation, and discomfort.

In this blog, we’ll unravel the mysteries of the duration of yeast infections, examining their causes, symptoms, and effective management strategies.

Can STIs cause ectopic pregnancies?

Pregnancy can be stressful enough without having to worry about anything going wrong. However, sometimes a pregnancy doesn’t go the way we may want, and complications can occur.

Ectopic pregnancies are a not-uncommon complication of some pregnancies. They can occur on their own, but certain conditions can make them more likely. And STIs are a common culprit of this condition.

The connection between STIs and ectopic pregnancies may not be widely known, but research has shown that certain STIs can increase the risk of an ectopic pregnancy. This is why understanding STIs and their potential complications is so important.

In this blog, we aim to shed light on this connection, empowering you with knowledge to take control of your sexual health.

Let’s get started.

Which STIs cause conjunctivitis?

STIs are infections that are primarily passed from one person to another during sexual contact. They can have a range of effects on the body, from mild symptoms that are barely noticeable to severe complications that can cause long-term health problems.

While most people are aware of the more common symptoms of STIs, such as sores, unusual discharge, or pain during sex, it’s less well-known that these infections can also affect other parts of the body. One such condition that can be caused by certain STIs is conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the eye that can cause redness, itching, and sometimes a discharge from the eye.

In this blog, we’ll explore the link between STIs and conjunctivitis, helping you understand how and why these infections can lead to eye problems.

How soon can HIV be detected by a blood test?

When the thought of having a sexually transmitted infection (STI) enters your mind, you want answers, and fast. Having knowledge of your sexual health status can help you make the best possible decisions for your sexual health.

This blog will give you all the answers you will need about HIV testing and how long it will take.

Let’s dive in.

Are HIV symptoms in women different than in men?

Symptoms can be a tricky issue when talking about STIs.

While most STIs are asymptomatic, certain symptoms can indicate the presence of an infection. And when these symptoms appear, it’s important to get tested and treated as soon as possible.

However, not all STIs have the same symptoms, and even the same STI can present differently in different people.

In this blog, we’ll look at how STIs present differently in both men and women, review what HIV is, and how it may present differently in women.

Keep reading to find out more.

What is Syphilis tongue?

When most people think about sexually transmitted diseases, they tend to think about symptoms that affect the genitals. Rarely do they think about the mouth.

But the mouth is one of the places where many people infected with STIs get their symptoms.

Syphilis is no exception.

Syphilis, known as the “great imitator”, can produce a wide range of symptoms. One potential indicator is the condition referred to as a “Syphilis tongue.” It’s one of the more unusual manifestations of Syphilis, and one you need to be aware of if you’re concerned about this infection.

In this guide, we’ll explore what causes Syphilis tongue, how to identify a Syphilis tongue, and why promptly recognising and receiving treatment for this symptom is crucial.

Keep reading to find out more.

What STIs can cause vaginal sores?

No one wants to find a sore on their genitals.

When it happens, it can be a serious cause for concern. After all, developing sores, bumps, or lesions around the vagina can signify the presence of a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

However, if you’ve discovered a sore on your vagina, it’s important to understand what it may be and the kind of treatment you should seek.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what vaginal sores are, what STIs are known to cause them, and how to move forward if you notice any strange bumps or lesions in your genital area.

I’ve been bleeding between my periods. Do I have an STI?

Understanding your menstrual cycle and its nuances is crucial for maintaining reproductive health.

However, when unexpected bleeding occurs between periods, it can be concerning and may signal an underlying issue such as a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the correlation between STIs and irregular bleeding, exploring common causes and symptoms, and the importance of seeking medical advice and testing.

Why do I have a lot of white discharge?

Experiencing discharge is an entirely normal part of having and caring for your sexual health. Most women tend to experience some discharge from their genitals, whether it’s during sexual arousal, their period, or at regular intervals.

But sometimes you can have too much or an unusual type of discharge. When this happens, it could indicate something worth addressing.

Are you experiencing a larger-than-normal amount of vaginal discharge? Keep reading to find out what may be causing it.

Is there a treatment for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)?

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can cause some very serious health complications. One of the more serious complications that can arise from getting many STIs is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), a condition that is of particular concern to sexually active women.

If left untreated, PID can have severe consequences for your health. So, in this blog post, we’ll look at PID, the STIs that cause it, the long-term effects of PID, and whether PID can be treated.

Can women get swab tests for STIs while on their period?

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are unfortunately very common, which is why it’s important to get tested regularly if you’re sexually active.

Swab tests are very useful for detecting certain STIs, allowing for a quick diagnosis and treatment. However, many women may wonder whether they can still get swab tests while on their period.

In this blog post, we’ll answer that very question and provide more information about what STIs are, how they are transmitted, and how swab tests work.

What does a male yeast infection look like?

Anyone can get a yeast infection. However, it’s a common misconception that these infections are exclusive to women. Though less common, a yeast infection can infect a man just as severely.

In today’s post, we’ll be diving into the topic of male yeast infections. We’ll discuss what they look like, the causes, symptoms, and treatments.

If you’re a man concerned about the prospect of having a yeast infection, keep reading.

How long can you have Chlamydia before it causes damage?

Any infection can cause damage to your health, but some cause more damage than others.

Most sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are completely curable. However, if left untreated, they can cause serious damage to your sexual and overall health.

Chlamydia, one of the most common sexually transmitted infections, is easily curable with antibiotics but can also lead to serious health complications. It’s important to know what damage Chlamydia can do so you can take action to get it treated.

In this blog, we will explore the effects of untreated Chlamydia infections and explain why timely diagnosis and treatment are essential to maintaining your health and well-being.

I tested negative for STIs but I still have discharge. What is it?

The idea of having an STI can be scary, and dealing with the symptoms of a potential STI can be even more stressful. However, some people who test negative for STIs may still experience certain symptoms. This may especially be the case for certain STIs.

In this blog, we’ll explore the different kinds of genital discharge that can appear even with a negative STI test, and provide guidance on how to manage these concerns.

Ureaplasma vs Mycoplasma: which is it?

Navigating the world of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be a daunting task, and when it comes to infections like Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma, the confusion can be even more significant. Understanding the differences between these two pathogens is crucial for early diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

In this article, we will provide an overview of Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma, helping you distinguish between the two so that you can make better decisions about your sexual health.

Can you get AIDS without HIV?

In the world of health and medicine, there are often misconceptions and misunderstandings that can lead to unnecessary fears and concerns. One such topic that has generated its fair share of confusion is the possibility of acquiring AIDS without having HIV.

In this blog post, we’ll explore this question with compassion and professionalism, aiming to clarify the relationship between HIV and AIDS.

Why does it hurt my wife when we make love?

Sex is wonderful and feels great for lots of people. But for some, sex can be painful.

Pain during sex is not uncommon and is experienced by many women. Sex shouldn’t hurt, though, and pain during sex should be taken seriously. Not taking pain seriously can lead to hurt feelings, exacerbated physical conditions, and, ultimately, bad sex for everyone involved.

Keep reading to see a list of possible causes of pain during sex for women.

How much saliva is needed to transmit HIV?

HIV is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system, making it vulnerable to infections and diseases. It is primarily transmitted through certain bodily fluids, such as blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk, which can infect people during sexual contact, sharing injection drug equipment, and from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding.

However, there are still many misconceptions about the transmission of HIV, particularly whether saliva can transmit the virus.

In this blog, we explore the truth about HIV transmission and how you can protect yourself from HIV.

Can I get an STI from precum?

There are a lot of fluids involved in sex, and while most are completely natural, many people don’t know how to feel about them.

Precum is one fluid that can leave a lot of people guessing. It’s not quite semen, but does that mean it’s dangerous?

In this blog, we’ll review what precum is, what it’s supposed to do, whether precum is dangerous, and anything you can do to protect yourself.

Should I swallow vaginal fluid during oral sex?

One topic that frequently comes up in discussion of oral sex is the danger surrounding semen and vaginal fluids. People wonder how safe these substances are, and how they should interact with them during sex.

In this blog, we’ll look at what vaginal fluid is, if it’s dangerous, and if you should worry about STIs.

If you want to safeguard your sexual health, keep reading!

How is Hepatitis A spread?

You may have heard of the Hepatitis B virus and the Hepatitis C virus, but the virus that consistently flies under the radar is Hepatitis A.

This is surprising because the Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is much more common than the B and C strains, though it can be just as serious.

In this article, we’ll explore how HAV is spread and what symptoms to look out for.

What is Super Gonorrhoea and should I be worried?

Sexually transmitted infections have always been a serious public health concern. However, diseases can change and mutate over time, requiring adequate responses from public health bodies and the public at large.

Over the last few years, many countries have reported rising cases of Gonorrhoea. One worrying concern is the appearance of different strains of Gonorrhoea, which have come to be known as “Super Gonorrhoea”.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what Super Gonorrhoea is, how it’s different from normal Gonorrhoea, its symptoms, and why it’s dangerous. So, if you’re concerned about your sexual health, read on.

What are latent STIs?

When most people think of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), they often think of obvious, visible symptoms, like rashes, blisters, or unusual discharge.

However, STIs can lurk in the body undetected for months, years, or even decades without any noticeable symptoms. When an STI exists in the body but isn’t actively replicating and doesn’t show any discernible symptoms, the infection is called “latent”.

In this blog, we will discuss what STIs are, what latent infections are, how they can be dangerous, and the STIs that can be latent.