This year, a survey by the Arab Barometer indicated that individuals in the Middle East and North Africa feel less able to express themselves today than in 2013. In turn, this is negatively affecting sex education. It is important that people are educated about safe sex and sexually transmitted infections. Speaking openly about these topics is the way forward.

The survey includes responses from over 25,000 people in countries such as Saudi Arabi, Libya and Bahrain. The findings suggest that people feel less freedom to express themselves now than six years ago. Research by the Arab Barometer aims to provide a platform for residents to speak their views. After all, everyone deserves to have a voice.

Freedom of expression includes discussion and education about sexual matters. Since formal sex education is non-existent, organisations are now occupying safe spaces such as refugee camps to hold workshops. Here, many can learn about sexuality, sexual health and other sex-related topics in order to break the stigma surrounding these issues.

“Unfortunately, people assume that any sex education is associated with Western thought, but that’s not true,” said Safa Tamish, founder of the organisation Muntada al-Jensaneya. “This topic is barely talked about. It is supposedly a taboo, but we are proud”.

Equipping individuals with information about sex is necessary for society to move forward. It is a normal part of everyday life for billions of people all over the world. We shouldn’t associate it with a certain gender, sexuality, ethnicity or race.

You should never be ashamed to discuss your sexual health. It is important to care for all aspects of your health, no matter which part of the body it is. You can find information about sexually transmitted infections, advice and our testing services on our website. Our online chat facility and Sexual Health Advisors are available to answer any questions you have. Let’s talk.


[1] BBC: Shattering sex taboos

[2] BBC: Talking about sex no longer so taboo in the Arab world

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