One topic that frequently comes up in discussion of oral sex is the danger surrounding semen and vaginal fluids. People wonder how safe these substances are, and how they should interact with them during sex.

In this blog, we’ll look at what vaginal fluid is, if it’s dangerous, and if you should worry about STIs.

If you want to safeguard your sexual health, keep reading!

What is vaginal fluid?

Let’s start with the basics: what is vaginal fluid?

Vaginal fluids are secretions discharged by the vagina during arousal and orgasm. These fluids are produced by the cervix and vagina to help lubricate during intercourse. These fluids can vary in texture, colour, and scent depending on a range of factors such as menstrual cycle, hydration levels, and diet.

Is swallowing vaginal fluid dangerous?

In general, there are few negative health effects from ingesting vaginal fluids. Vaginal fluids are completely natural and there is no need to be afraid of them.

However, no matter what kind of sexual intercourse you are having, there is always a risk of STIs.

What about STIs?

STIs, or sexually transmitted infections, are infections that tend to be spread through sexual intercourse. However, full intercourse isn’t required for someone to get an STI. You can get an STI in all sorts of ways, from anal sex and oral sex to sharing sex toys and needles.

Vaginal fluids might be dangerous if the person who produces them is infected with an STI. If they are, ingesting vaginal fluids may pose a risk.

Your throat contains a mucous membrane that is very vulnerable to infection. If you ingest infected vaginal fluids, they may infect that membrane.

STIs you can get from swallowing vaginal fluids during oral sex include:

How can I stay safe?

When engaging in any kind of sexual activity, you should always practice safe sex.

In the case of oral sex, it’s important to communicate with your sexual partner (or sexual partners) about your sexual histories and discuss anything that may be concerning you. Regular testing for STIs is the best was to know if you become infected.

Final thoughts

Sex and be a slippery business, especially if you’re dealing with vaginal fluids.

If you think you may have been exposed to a sexually transmitted infection, get tested as soon as possible with Better2Know. Our dedicated team will help you choose an STI clinic and screen that’s right for you.

This article has been medically revied by Dr. Steve Chapman, 11/06/2024.

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