It’s not uncommon to feel uncomfortable or embarrassed about getting an STI test, but it is important to remember that these feelings are only temporary. Testing for STIs is simple and there are plenty of reasons why you should book your sexual health test today.

1. Know your sexual health status

The only way to be sure whether you have an STI is to get tested. If any of your results do come back positive, you can begin to take the appropriate next steps as soon as possible.

2. Take responsibility for your health

Having an STI test means that you are taking responsibility for your own health. If left untreated, STIs can have serious consequences on your health. Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea can affect the reproductive organs in both men and women which can, in turn, lead to infertility.

3. Symptoms often do not show

STIs often produce no visible symptoms. This may mean that you, like many other people, feel no need to get tested. However, an STI will damage your body without you even realising. This is why it is so important to get tested regularly, especially if you have been in a risky situation, such as having unprotected sex.

4. Protect your partner(s)

It only takes one sexual encounter to pass an infection on to another person. Having an STI test means that you can enter a new relationship knowing your sexual health status.

5. Access treatment early

The good news is that all STIs are treatable, and most are curable. With early diagnosis and treatment, you can minimise the risk of long-term damage to your health. Let’s take Syphilis, for example. Without an STI test, a Syphilis infection can go undetected for years, at which point it may have already had irreversible effects on your body.

6. STD testing is quick and easy

To test for an STI, you simply need to attend your appointment and allow your clinician to collect the appropriate samples – and that’s all. Your clinician will not ask you why you are there or why you need a test.

7. It’s always Better 2 Know

Avoiding an STI test does not make an infection disappear. Our team of sexual health experts are here to support you 24/7.

Speak to us

If you are thinking about booking an STI test, phone our highly trained Sexual Health Advisors or contact us using our anonymous online chat facility. Our team can help you to decide on the most suitable STI test or screen for you.

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