Sex is wonderful and feels great for lots of people. But for some, sex can be painful.
Pain during sex is not uncommon and is experienced by many women. Sex shouldn’t hurt, though, and pain during sex should be taken seriously. Not taking pain seriously can lead to hurt feelings, exacerbated physical conditions, and, ultimately, bad sex for everyone involved.
Keep reading to see a list of possible causes of pain during sex for women.
HIV is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system, making it vulnerable to infections and diseases. It is primarily transmitted through certain bodily fluids, such as blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk, which can infect people during sexual contact, sharing injection drug equipment, and from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding.
However, there are still many misconceptions about the transmission of HIV, particularly whether saliva can transmit the virus.
In this blog, we explore the truth about HIV transmission and how you can protect yourself from HIV.
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One topic that frequently comes up in discussion of oral sex is the danger surrounding semen and vaginal fluids. People wonder how safe these substances are, and how they should interact with them during sex.
In this blog, we’ll look at what vaginal fluid is, if it’s dangerous, and if you should worry about STIs.
If you want to safeguard your sexual health, keep reading!
Sexually transmitted infections have always been a serious public health concern. However, diseases can change and mutate over time, requiring adequate responses from public health bodies and the public at large.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss what Super Gonorrhoea is, how it’s different from normal Gonorrhoea, its symptoms, and why it’s dangerous. So, if you’re concerned about your sexual health, read on.
When most people think of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), they often think of obvious, visible symptoms, like rashes, blisters, or unusual discharge.
However, STIs can lurk in the body undetected for months, years, or even decades without any noticeable symptoms. When an STI exists in the body but isn’t actively replicating and doesn’t show any discernible symptoms, the infection is called “latent”.
In this blog, we will discuss what STIs are, what latent infections are, how they can be dangerous, and the STIs that can be latent.
Sex is a source of pleasure and joy for many people, but for some people, sometimes, it can be painful.
The causes of pain during sex are numerous. Pain can be caused by many non-sexual illnesses or conditions, such as certain cancers, endometriosis, cystitis, and cysts. Pain during sex can also be caused by sexual disorders like vulvodynia. It can also be caused by other things like a lack of proper lubrication, mismatches between genital sizes, and relationship or emotional issues.
But one factor that can cause pain during sex that isn’t as widely discussed is an STI.
Many STIs can cause pain during sexual intercourse. If you’re experiencing pain during sex, you may want to consider the possibility that you have an STI.
In this blog, we will explore which STIs cause pain during sex so that you can know if you should get tested.
The influenza virus is an incredibly harmful infection that causes untold millions misery when flu season comes along. For some, the flu can even be fatal.
One of the things that makes the flu a problematic disease in the context of STIs is its symptoms.
The flu shares a lot of symptoms with other infections, including many STIs. This is what makes STIs so dangerous. Many people infected with STIs mistake their symptoms for the flu or another infection, and they assume their illness will pass. But this isn’t the case.
In this blog, we’ll review the symptoms of the flu and compare them to the symptoms of various STIs. We will then try to differentiate them so that you can know for sure if you have the flu or an STI.
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When you’re in a monogamous long-term relationship, you might think it’s safe to assume you don’t need STI testing.
However, the truth is that being in a committed relationship doesn’t necessarily guarantee protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). STI testing is still important, even for people in monogamous relationships.
In this article, we’ll discuss how STIs are transmitted, the benefits of being in a monogamous relationship when it comes to STI prevention, and when you should still be concerned about STIs.
While people can’t get infected with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) out of the blue, it is technically possible to “give yourself” an STI.
How does this happen? To understand, we need to explain how STIs are transmitted and detail all the non-sexual ways you can get an STI, from using contaminated household items to transferring an infection to another part of your body.
When most people think of the dangers associated with sexually transmitted infections (STIs), they tend not to think of hand jobs.
But the truth is that you can contract a sexually transmitted disease from any kind of sexual activity, including hand jobs.
In this blog, we will explain why you can get an STI from a hand job, what types of STIs are commonly transmitted through hand jobs, and how you can protect yourself.
While most strains of HPV are harmless, some strains cause serious complications. Because of this, it’s essential to know what HPV is and how it’s transmitted to protect your health and the health of those you care about.
In this blog, we’ll review what HPV is and how it is transmitted, and give you tips on how to avoid getting the infection and to help stop its spread.
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One of the truly unfortunate things about STIs is that most people don’t experience any symptoms. Someone can have an STI for days, weeks, months, or even years, and not know it.
This is true of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as well.
If you think you may have HIV, know someone who may have it, or want to learn more about this serious infection, then keep reading.
Hepatitis C is a dangerous sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can cause severe liver damage and even death if left untreated. Unfortunately, it has become an increasingly common disease in the Middle East, with millions of people being affected by it every year.
In this blog post, we will explore what Hepatitis C is, how it is contracted, what treatments are available for those infected by it, and any prevention methods.
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Do you ever worry that kissing someone could put your health at risk? When it comes to the sexually transmitted infection (STI) Gonorrhoea, there is a common misconception that it can be transferred through casual contact such as kissing.
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Imagine you’re speaking with a close friend, perhaps as you normally would, and they reveal that they may have a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Then they tell you they won’t get tested.
This situation is much more common than you may think.
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Sexually Transmitted Infections are more prevalent than you think. While many people don’t believe they have an STI, having no symptoms is extremely common. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that almost one million new STIs are contracted daily. Unfortunately, many scientists believe that asymptomatic STIs, without symptoms, are a silent epidemic. But there are steps we can all take to educate ourselves and prevent the transmission of asymptomatic STIs.
Is sexual contact with a virgin “safe” when it comes to preventing sexually transmitted diseases? The answer is “no,” it’s possible to get an STD —even if you are both virgins.
A person may consider themself a virgin if they have never had penetrative sex. However, they may have had sexual contact that could put them at risk for having an STD, including skin-to-skin sexual contact or oral sex. Both of these types of sexual contact carry the risk of STD transmission.
Let’s talk about STDs and how they are transmitted from one person to another.
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Better2Know is a recognised leader in the field of private sexual health testing services. We offer confidential STI and HIV testing in different locations worldwide including in the Middle East. As the world’s largest provider of STI testing, we are committed to ensuring that our business has a minimal impact on the environment and on the people around us. Our ethos of care drives this commitment to environmental sustainability.
To demonstrate our dedication to sustainability, we are proud to say that we are now carbon neutral. We have worked in conjunction with a leading environmental consultancy agency to achieve international accreditation for carbon neutrality. This accreditation means that we have quantified and offset all direct greenhouse gas emissions from our operations throughout the Middle East.
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Sometimes referred to as “The Clap,” gonorrhoea is a serious STI that is caused by a specific type of bacteria called gonococcus. Although it is one of four STIs that are currently curable, gonorrhoea can still wreak havoc on your health, and no one is immune.
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Whether for work, family, or fun, traveling to Africa is an incredible experience. As you plan for your journey, however, you may have some questions and concerns. For example, could this trip put you at risk of contracting HIV? How can you stay safe? Arming yourself with the facts is the best way to protect your health.
Herpes is one of the most dreaded viruses in the world, and for good reason. Even though a herpes infection is rarely life-threatening, it can lead to shame and put your loved ones at risk. However, the more you know about the virus, the better you’ll be able to avoid an infection – or manage one and still live a full life. Here are seven facts about herpes that can help to demystify this misunderstood disease.
Over the last four years, Better2Know has noticed a concerning rise in the rates of syphilis transmission. Testing has shown a threefold increase in positive syphilis cases within our communities. This increase in positive results is a deeply worrying trend, especially since most cases of syphilis are initially asymptomatic. It’s important to get tested so you can receive the proper treatment you need and avoid spreading it to your partner.
Many people are surprised to learn that you can catch the same STI twice. Some of the most common STIs that can be caught more than once are chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and syphilis.
Yes, You Can Contract Chlamydia Even if You Have Had It Before
But don’t let that scare you! By the time that you get to the end of this article, you’ll know exactly what you need to do in order to protect yourself from contracting chlamydia twice.
Here is what you need to know about STI reinfections and how you can find out if you’re infected.
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease known to cause serious health complications for men and women if left untreated. Many people are unaware of how severe a chlamydia infection can become. This is partially due to the fact that most people have never heard of it. Fortunately, chlamydia is very easy to treat if it is diagnosed early.
Following are some common questions and concerns pertaining to this common yet treatable sexually transmitted disease.
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While many people may have heard of tantric sex there is still a cloud of mystery surrounding its roots as well as what benefits it may offer those who practice it. Tantric sex allows people to explore their sexuality in a deeper, more meaningful way than casual sex allows them to do. Following is some useful information on how to get started on your path towards a more fulfilling love life through the use of tantric sex.
Many people assume that sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can only be transmitted through sexual intercourse. However, having sexual intercourse is not the only way to catch an STD or a STI. There are many ways you can become infected with an STI without ever having sex in the first place. It’s important to know your STI status for several reasons.
While people may think it’s impossible to catch anSTI without having sex, this is not entirely true. An STI can be transmitted through any kind of skin-to-skin contact where any amount of bodily fluid is present. Any kind of activity that involves exposure to body fluids could result in the transmission of an STD. This can come from a kiss on the lips (herpes) to foreplay that does not involve actual penetration.
Here are five other common ways to catch an STI without having sex.
Whether it’s due to the prioritization of one’s health and fitness, there’s been an apparent shift in perspective regarding sexual activity and its benefits surrounding weight loss and muscle building…
Funny enough, while sex is traditionally an intimate act aimed at one purpose which is to conceive, it’s now being used as a means of fitness, and rightfully so! With that said, while there’s certainly merit behind sex and its many physical benefits, it should never take priority over the intimacy that comes with it.